Church is you and me. Where two or three are gathered in my name does not have to be in a building we attend once a week. More church happens in small groups than the main service. And God is omnipresent so you can experience Him anywhere. My reason for leaving the church is I did not see the heart of God where I was. The greatest commandment is to love God and our neighbours as ourselves and a neighbour is anyone in need. And so if God is not in the equation, what’s the point? I have grown deeper in my faith since I started streaming Transformation Church for instance than I did in my previous physical church. I can see the heart of God. I feel it and there are some deep songs out here that are not hymns. But I totally love hymns. I think God is versatile. I think He cares about our heart and character above all else. Community is important but I don’t think there is just one right way to do it.